Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rapelling ;)

When i was in Thatcher me and some friends went rapelling. I had never been before and i will be the first to admit that i am TERRIFIED of heights! I never thought i would be able to do anything like this and not only did i do it but the first time i did was off an 80 foot cliff at Red Knolls! It was so scary standing up there and seeing how far down it was im surprised i didn't chicken out! I still cant believe i actually did it...i am very proud of myself!

This is a picture of the cliff from the bottom, think it looks high? looks WAY higher when your standing on the edge of it haha

Look how tiny the car is from all the way up here!

Me and Heath gettin ready to go!

Just about to step off the edge....having second thoughts haha

No turning back now, i was commited and i think that was the scariest part knowing that i HAD to go down!

Hard part was over, doesnt mean i wasnt still scared, now im hanging by a rope 80 feet from the ground! So fun tho!

And down, down, down we go!

Cheezy smile! haha it was the best thing i could give at the time! It was such a scary experience but when i hit the ground and looked up to see how far i had come it was such an adrenaline rush! Im glad i faced my fear and got to experience this!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Slumber Party!!

So Sunday afternoon i went down to thatcher to hang out for a couple days. Monday was Keri's birthday so we did a party sunday night and had a sleep over, which we didn't sleep at all but it was so much fun! It was like a reunion of my first semester of college all the girls i used to hang out with and we had a blast! We played the goofiest game called Quelf. It was the most random game i have ever played. You would draw cards and if you didnt do what was on the card then you had to move back however many spaces it said. Lets just say it made for some pretty fun pictures!

This game was so random...poor Jared is taller than me and he drew a card that made him have to sit under the table till his next turn haha poor guy ;)

Keri had to make a mask out of household items.....this is what she came up with lol
After we played "Quelf" we played a couple other games till midnight when we had cake! We used matches for candles cuz we didnt have anything else haha then Keri insisted that we all eat the cake together without plates and of course....that turned into a cake fight! I dont know how i got involved in it...Keri and Danielle started it and before i knew it they were both attacking me from accross the table....well it was fun anyways, im not sure how everyone else managed to stay out of it tho!

I think that Danielle had it the worst lol she was covered!

Eww...she actually licked my finger haha it was gross

Looks like Keri was about to attack me in this picture was alot of fun!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

El Rancho :)

So i keep getting told that i just dont post often enough haha i just dont ever take pictures and in all honesty nothing exciting ever really happens. So just a quick update on my life, still working and still living in Joe City. I am beyond ready to move and im working on moving ASAP. And when i decide when and where i am moving i will let all of you know! :)
So the other night me and De and a couple of our friends decided to go out to eat at El Rancho in Holbrook. We had been taking silly pictures all day with Zachs camera so we took a few fun ones at the restaurant! We also told them that it was DeAnna's birthday so that she would have to wear a Sombrero! So we had fun taking pictures with that!

Me and DeAnna almost bought these for fun haha they were only $2 a pair! :)

I must say we are pretty much AWESOME! :) haha

Oh ya :)

It ended up being a really fun night and we got some fun pictures our of it as well! :)