Tuesday, January 19, 2010

San Francisco!!

So DeAnna and I had a chance to make a trip to San Francisco with Danny and my mom. It was the longest drive in history haha but it was worth it! We spent a couple of days walking around San Francisco and we had alot of fun seeing all the sights! It is definitely a very cool city! So here are a few pictures of our trip there if i posted all of them we would be here all day!! So here are a few of my favorites!!

This was my favorite part! The Golden Gate bridge is so pretty and it was so fun to get to see it!

We drove over it at night and the picture isnt all that great but it was so cool at night with all the lights!

Ok haha so this was the funniest thing we were walking back to our Hotel and just a couple blocks from it there was this huge group of at least 300 people walking in a line with NO PANTS on haha they werent carrying signs or anything so we arent sure why they were doing this but they must of had a good reason cuz it was COLD haha

Lombard Street...the Crookedest street in the world! it was so cool i was amazed this street has the most turns and the sharpest turns in such a short distance than any other street in the world!

We met an Olympic Gold Medal winner at the conference that Danny and my mom went to. He won in Beijing for one of the wheel chair races. Never thought id be able to hold a real Olympic gold medal so it was a cool experience to meet him.

The Cable Cars are truly a must see/do in San Francisco! They were alot of fun to ride and a good way to see the City!

The Fine Arts Center...

Not much to say about this...random sign and it was funny haha

Me with Alcatraz Island in the background

De and I at Pier 39. We had alot of fun and I am really glad that we were able to go! Cant wait to be able to go back someday!